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10 Superfoods Rich in MCTs You Need in Your Diet

12 min read time Sep 18, 2024



You might be surprised to learn how incorporating superfoods rich in Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) into your diet can greatly impact your health. From boosting cognitive function to enhancing energy levels, MCTs are a powerhouse nutrient worth exploring. Imagine the benefits of adding coconut oil, goat milk, and even ghee to your daily meals. But that’s just the beginning; several other MCT-rich foods can transform your diet and well-being. Are you curious about which superfoods made the list and how they can benefit you? Let’s explore further.

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Coconut oil is a powerhouse of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), making it an excellent addition to your diet for quick energy and metabolic support. With about 50-60% of its composition being MCTs, coconut oil is a top choice for anyone following a ketogenic diet.

  • The MCTs in coconut oil are easily digestible and swiftly transformed into ketones, which your body can use as an immediate energy source, promoting ketosis more effectively.
  • One of the standout components of coconut oil is lauric acid. This unique fatty acid functions as both an MCT and a beneficial saturated fat, offering sustained ketone production that helps you maintain energy levels throughout the day.
  • When you incorporate coconut oil into your diet, you’re not just getting a burst of quick energy but also supporting weight management and overall metabolic health.
  • Adding coconut oil to your daily routine is easy. Cook with it or blend it into your smoothies to effortlessly increase your MCT intake. By doing so, you’ll promote ketosis and reap the benefits of this versatile superfood.

Embrace coconut oil to enhance your ketogenic diet and experience its health benefits.

Palm Oil

Don’t overlook palm oil when considering superfoods rich in MCTs. It’s packed with nutrients, offers numerous health benefits, and is incredibly versatile in the kitchen. Let’s explore how its nutrient composition, health advantages, and cooking uses can enhance your diet.

Nutrient Composition

Palm oil stands out as a notable source of MCTs, boasting approximately 50% MCTs in its nutrient composition. When you compare it to other MCT-rich foods like heavy cream or goat cheese, palm oil provides a higher concentration of these beneficial fats. Just a little bit of palm oil can greatly enhance your diet’s MCT content, making it an excellent choice for those looking to increase their intake without consuming large amounts of food.

MCTs, or medium-chain triglycerides, are fat your body can quickly convert into energy. In palm oil, these MCTs come primarily from lauric acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid. This makes palm oil a versatile ingredient for those on a ketogenic diet or anyone looking to boost their energy levels naturally. Unlike heavier fats, MCTs don’t require extensive digestion, allowing your body to use them almost immediately.

When opting for palm oil, make sure it’s sustainably sourced. This ensures you’re getting a quality product and supports environmental responsibility. Incorporating palm oil into your meals can be as simple as adding a spoonful to your cooking or blending it into your morning coffee for an energy kick.

Health Benefits

Incorporating palm oil into your diet can offer various health benefits, particularly its high MCT content. One of the standout advantages is its weight management benefits. Palm oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which can help boost ketone levels and promote fat burning. This makes it an excellent addition to a ketogenic diet, helping you maintain or achieve your weight goals more efficiently.

  • Another significant benefit of palm oil is its potential to enhance cognitive function. MCTs provide a steady energy source for your brain, supporting mental clarity and focus. By including palm oil in your meals, you may experience improved cognitive performance and better overall brain health.
  • Lastly, palm oil can support athletic performance. The MCTs in palm oil are quickly absorbed and converted into energy, making them an ideal fuel source for athletes. Whether engaging in endurance sports or high-intensity workouts, palm oil can help sustain your energy levels and improve your performance.

Cooking Uses

Adding palm oil to your cooking routine enhances your meals and boosts your intake of beneficial MCTs. With around 50% MCT content, palm oil is a fantastic ingredient to support ketosis and provide a reliable source of healthy fats. Its neutral flavor profile makes it versatile in various culinary applications, from baking to frying.

When incorporating palm oil into your diet, consider the following:

  1. Baking applications: Palm oil’s high MCT content makes it a great substitute for butter or other oils in baked goods, aiding in texture and flavor enhancement.
  2. Flavor enhancement: Its neutral taste won’t overpower your dishes, allowing the natural flavors of your ingredients to shine through while supporting ketosis.
  3. Sustainable sourcing: Always choose sustainably sourced palm oil to ensure you support ethical and environmentally friendly practices. 
  4. Culinary benefits: Palm oil is stable at high temperatures, making it perfect for frying, sautéing, and roasting. Its versatility ensures that it can be used in various recipes, from savory to sweet.

Goat Milk

Because goat milk contains 20-35% MCTs, it’s a powerful ally for those following a ketogenic diet. When you compare goat milk to cow milk, the MCT content is significantly higher in goat milk. This makes it a superior choice if you’re seeking to boost ketone production and enhance metabolic function. The ketogenic benefits of goat milk are substantial, offering not just MCTs but also essential nutrients that can support your overall health.

  • If you’re exploring goat milk alternatives, it’s important to note that few options offer the same MCT content. Cow milk, for instance, has a much lower MCT percentage, making it less effective for those strictly adhering to ketogenic principles. Plant-based milks like almond or soy milk have negligible MCTs, making them poor substitutes if your goal is to maximize MCT intake.
  • Including goat milk in your diet can lead to sustained energy levels, as MCTs are quickly converted into ketones, providing a rapid fuel source. Whether you consume it as a beverage, add it to your coffee, or use it in cooking, goat milk can be a versatile and valuable addition to your ketogenic regimen.


Butter is another excellent source of MCTs, making it a valuable addition to your ketogenic diet. With its rich nutrient profile, butter provides around 5-8% MCTs, essential for maintaining ketosis and boosting energy levels. Organic and grass-fed butter are particularly beneficial as they offer a superior nutrient profile, including vitamins A, D, and E.

One of butter's prime advantages is its versatility in cooking. You can use it in various dishes to enhance flavor while reaping the cooking benefits of added MCTs.

Here are some ways to incorporate butter into your diet:

  1. Cooking: Use butter to sauté vegetables or fry eggs to add a delicious, keto-friendly touch.
  2. Baking: Replace margarine or oils in your baking recipes with butter to increase your MCT intake.
  3. Spreading: Spread butter on keto-friendly bread or crackers for a quick, nutritious snack.
  4. Blending: Add a tablespoon of butter to your morning coffee for a creamy, energy-boosting start.

With its keto-friendly properties, butter is an indispensable part of your diet. It offers not only enhanced flavors but also the essential MCTs your body needs to thrive on a ketogenic regimen.


Moreover, a clarified form of butter known as ghee stands out as a potent source of MCTs, making it an excellent option for those on a ketogenic diet. With its high concentration of MCTs and butyric acid, ghee supports ketosis and gut health. One of the major ghee benefits is its high smoke point, which means you can use it for cooking and baking without losing its valuable MCT content.

There’s a common misconception that ghee is unhealthy due to its saturated fat content. However, the MCTs in ghee are easily digested and quickly converted into ketones, providing a rapid energy source. Additionally, ghee can help increase ketone levels, promoting fat-burning and mental clarity.

Ghee isn’t just for the kitchen; its benefits also extend to skincare. Rich in antioxidants, ghee can nourish and hydrate your skin. Moreover, ghee is significant in Ayurveda applications, which are used for healing properties.

Here’s a quick breakdown:


Use Case

Additional Info

Rapid Energy

Ketogenic Diet

Quick ketone conversion

High Smoke Point

Cooking and Baking

Retains MCT content

Gut Health

Digestive Aid

Contains butyric acid


Topical Application

Rich in antioxidants


Traditional Medicine

Healing properties

Incorporating ghee into your diet can be a game-changer for health and wellness.

Goat Cheese

You’ll find that goat cheese isn’t only rich in MCTs and packed with essential nutrients, making it a powerhouse for your diet. Its benefits extend beyond nutrition, supporting digestive health due to its easier-to-digest proteins. Plus, its creamy texture and unique flavor make it a versatile addition to a variety of dishes.

Nutrient Density Benefits

Goat cheese stands out as a nutrient-dense superfood, packed with high levels of MCTs that boost energy and support ketosis. When you include goat cheese in your diet, you’re not just adding a delicious component to your meals but also enhancing your nutrient absorption.

MCTs in goat cheese are quickly converted into ketones, which are a vital source of energy production. This means you’ll experience sustained energy levels throughout the day without the crashes associated with carbohydrate-heavy foods.

Moreover, the benefits of goat cheese extend to brain function. The MCTs found in goat cheese provide a quick energy source for your brain, promoting better cognitive performance and mental clarity. This is important if you’re following a ketogenic diet or simply seeking to improve your overall brain health.

Here’s why goat cheese should be on your plate:

  1. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: MCTs help you absorb more nutrients from other foods.
  2. Sustained Energy Production: Converts quickly to ketones for lasting energy.
  3. Improved Brain Function: Provides quick fuel for cognitive tasks.
  4. Versatile and Delicious: Adds creamy texture and rich flavor to various dishes.

Digestive Health Support

In addition to its energy-boosting properties, goat cheese also supports digestive health through its rich MCT content. The MCTs in goat cheese play an important role in fostering a balanced gut microbiota, promoting the growth of beneficial probiotics. This improves overall gut health and can enhance your digestive system’s efficiency.

The presence of digestive enzymes in goat cheese aids in the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, making it easier for your body to process food. This efficient absorption guarantees that you get the maximum nutritional benefit from your meals.

While goat cheese isn’t high in fiber, it pairs well with high-fiber foods that act as prebiotics, feeding the good bacteria in your gut. This combination can further improve your digestive health.




Supports gut microbiota


Enhances gut health

Digestive enzymes

Improves nutrient absorption

Absorption efficiency

Maximizes nutritional intake

Fiber combination

Boosts prebiotic effects

Incorporating goat cheese into your diet can provide a tasty way to support your digestive health, making it an excellent addition to your meals.

Versatile Culinary Uses

Elevate your meals with the versatile and creamy addition of goat cheese. Goat cheese is rich in MCTs and perfect for a ketogenic diet. With MCT levels ranging from 20% to 35%, goat cheese supports ketosis and brings a unique tangy flavor to your dishes.

Whether looking for flavorful pairings or creative recipes, goat cheese offers unmatched culinary versatility, inviting taste exploration.

Consider these four ways to incorporate goat cheese into your diet:

  1. Salads: Crumble goat cheese over mixed greens for a creamy, tangy enhancement that complements nuts and fruits.
  2. Omelets: Add goat cheese to your morning omelets for a rich, savory touch that elevates your typical breakfast.
  3. Charcuterie Boards: Include goat cheese in your charcuterie board for a sophisticated, creamy addition that pairs well with meats and olives.
  4. Snacks: Spread goat cheese on cucumber slices or low-carb crackers for a quick, satisfying snack rich in MCTs.

These meal enhancements provide ample cooking inspiration, making integrating this superfood into your daily routine easy. Enjoying goat cheese not only boosts your MCT intake but also transforms everyday meals into gourmet experiences.

Heavy Cream

While often overlooked, heavy cream from goat milk is a powerhouse of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that can elevate your ketogenic diet. Packing a robust 20-35% MCT content, this type of cream isn’t just a rich source of these beneficial fats but a versatile addition to your culinary repertoire.

  • Indulge in luxurious whipped desserts that fit perfectly into your keto lifestyle. The MCTs in goat milk cream can help you stay in ketosis while satisfying your sweet tooth.
  • Heavy cream from goat milk also shines in savory dishes. Use it to create creamy sauces that add depth and richness to your meals without derailing your diet. Whether you’re whipping up a garlic Alfredo or a mushroom stroganoff, this ingredient can be your secret weapon to elevate flavors and textures.
  • Don’t forget about your morning routine—adding a splash of heavy cream to your keto coffee can make your cup of joe tastier and more effective in supporting your ketogenic goals. The MCTs in the cream can provide an extra energy boost, making it an ideal start to your day.

Avocado Oil

Avocado oil, boasting approximately 20% MCTs, offers a quick energy source to enhance ketosis and support weight loss. Its high MCT content helps you stay energized while promoting metabolic health. Adding avocado oil to your diet can improve brain function and cognitive performance due to these medium-chain triglycerides.

Avocado oil's benefits for skin care are a major highlight. It’s rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making it fantastic for moisturizing and protecting your skin. It can also help reduce inflammation and promote a youthful glow.

Incorporating avocado oil into your daily meals is easy. Here are some avocado oil recipes you might enjoy:

  1. Salad dressing: Mix avocado oil with lemon juice, herbs, and a pinch of salt for a refreshing and healthy dressing.
  2. Stir-frying: Its high smoke point makes it perfect for quick, high-heat cooking.
  3. Marinades: Enhance your meats and veggies flavor and nutritional profile.
  4. Baking: Substitute it for other oils in your favorite recipes.

Another fantastic benefit of avocado oil for hair growth is that massaging it into your scalp can improve blood circulation and nourish hair follicles, promoting stronger and healthier hair.


When you incorporate MCT oil into your diet, you’ll experience enhanced energy levels and mental clarity, thanks to its rapid conversion into ketones. This concentrated source, typically derived from coconut or palm kernel oil, supports weight management and overall metabolic health. Choose high-quality MCT oils from reputable brands to maximize these benefits and integrate them into your daily routine.

Benefits of MCT Oil

MCT oil provides a quick and efficient energy source by rapidly converting it into ketones, making it a valuable addition to your diet. This unique capability offers several key benefits:

  1. Brain function: MCT oil can enhance cognitive performance by supplying your brain with an alternative energy source. Studies suggest that it can improve memory and focus, which is especially beneficial during demanding tasks.
  2. Athletic performance: MCT oil provides a fast energy boost. It helps sustain energy levels during workouts and promotes better endurance, allowing athletes to push harder and recover faster.
  3. Weight management: MCT oil aids in weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and boosting your metabolism. Incorporating it into your diet allows you to manage your weight more effectively and maintain a healthier body composition.
  4. Metabolic health: Regular consumption of MCT oil can improve your metabolic rate, which is essential for overall health. It helps in reducing fat storage and supports better blood sugar regulation.

Sources of MCT Oil

  • Several common foods are rich sources of MCT oil, making it easy to incorporate into your daily diet. Coconut oil tops the list, containing 50-60% MCTs, and is a favorite for those on ketogenic diets.
  • If you’re looking for MCT oil alternatives, consider palm oil. When sustainably sourced, palm oil offers similar MCT content to coconut oil.
  • Goat milk and cheese are excellent options for those who prefer dairy. Goat milk contains 20-35% MCTs. Butter and organic butter also provide MCTs, albeit at lower 5-8% concentrations.
  • Ghee, a clarified butter, stands out for its MCTs and butyric acid, which supports ketosis and overall health.
  • When comparing MCT oil sources, you’ll see that coconut and palm oil are top contenders due to their high MCT content. However, dairy-based sources like goat milk and butter offer valuable health implications for MCT oil, such as supporting digestion and providing essential fatty acids.

Using MCT Oil

Incorporate MCT oil into your daily routine to boost energy levels and support overall health. This versatile oil digests quickly through passive diffusion, converting into ketones rapidly for energy. Using MCT oil supplements can help increase ketone levels, which aids in weight loss and enhances energy.

To make the most of MCT oil benefits, consider the following:

  1. Start your day with a boost: Add MCT oil to your morning coffee or smoothie for sustained energy throughout the day.
  2. Enhance your meals: Use MCT oil in salad dressings or drizzle it over roasted vegetables for a quick energy boost.
  3. Baking upgrades: Incorporate MCT oil into your baking recipes for an extra health kick.
  4. Supplement conveniently: Take MCT oil supplements, especially those made from quality C8 MCT oil like Perfect Keto, to optimize ketosis and support sustained ketone production.

Experiment with various MCT oil recipes to find what works best for you. Coconut oil, a popular source of MCTs, can be a great addition to your diet as it supports sustained ketone production and contains lauric acid.


Cheese, particularly goat cheese, offers a rich source of MCTs to enhance your ketogenic diet. Unlike cow cheese, goat cheese is packed with more medium-chain triglycerides, which can give you an energy boost and help maintain ketosis.

If you’re into cheese pairing, consider pairing goat cheese with keto-friendly foods like olives or nuts. This combination not only elevates your cheese-tasting experience but also keeps you in line with your dietary goals.

Feel adventurous? Try incorporating goat cheese into various cheese recipes. You can crumble it over salads, blend it into creamy soups, or use it as a topping for your keto-friendly pizza. These simple additions make it easy to enjoy the benefits of MCTs without feeling restricted by your diet.

While smoked varieties of cow cheese are delicious, they don’t offer the same level of MCTs as goat cheese. So, think of goat cheese next time you plan a meal or a snack. It’s versatile, flavorful, and a fantastic way to up your intake of those essential medium-chain triglycerides.

Adding goat cheese to your diet can make staying in ketosis enjoyable and delicious.


Incorporating superfoods rich in MCTs into your diet can truly transform your health. By adding coconut oil, palm oil, goat milk, butter, ghee, heavy cream, avocado oil, MCT oil, and cheese, you’ll enjoy quick energy, better cognitive function, and improved weight management. These foods boost your metabolic rate and support a healthy gut. So, start including these MCT-rich superfoods today and feel the difference in your overall well-being!

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