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How Long Is Homemade Cashew Milk Good for?

6 min read time Jul 03, 2024


How long does it stay fresh when you make homemade cashew milk? Typically, it lasts 3-5 days in the refrigerator, provided you store it in a clean, airtight container. However, freezing can extend its shelf life up to three months. Proper storage is important since homemade versions lack pasteurization, making them more prone to spoilage. You should look for signs like a sour taste, an off smell, or lumps. So, how can you guarantee your cashew milk stays fresh for as long as possible? Let's explore some effective storage techniques and tips.

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Shelf Life of Homemade Cashew Milk

When stored properly, your homemade cashew milk lasts 3 to 5 days in the refrigerator

  • Keep clean containers refrigerated to maximize shelf life and maintain freshness. Storage conditions are vital for preventing contamination, which can spoil cashew milk faster.
  • If you want to extend the shelf life of your homemade cashew milk, consider freezing it. Pour the cashew milk into ice cube trays, and once frozen, transfer the cubes into a sealed container or freezer bag. This method can keep your cashew milk fresh for up to 3 months.
  • Though thawed cashew milk might lose some of its original texture and flavor, it's still great for cooking and baking.

Factors Affecting Freshness

To guarantee your homemade cashew milk stays fresh, it's important to understand the factors affecting its freshness. 

  • One major factor is storage. Homemade cashew milk usually lasts 3-5 days in the fridge. If not stored properly, its shelf life can be considerably reduced. Always use airtight containers to minimize exposure to air, which can accelerate spoilage.
  • Temperature also plays a critical role. Keeping your homemade milk at a consistent, cold temperature will help maintain its freshness. Fluctuations in temperature can encourage bacteria growth, leading to quicker spoilage. Aim to store your cashew milk in the coldest part of your refrigerator.
  • Contamination is another key factor. Even a small amount of bacteria can cause your homemade cashew milk to spoil faster. Ensure all utensils and storage containers are thoroughly cleaned before contacting the milk. Avoid touching the milk with your fingers or unwashed utensils.

Proper Storage Techniques

Ensuring that homemade cashew milk stays fresh involves using proper storage techniques like keeping it in airtight containers and placing it in the coldest part of your refrigerator. This helps maintain its freshness and extends the shelf life to 3-5 days. The homemade version lacks the pasteurization process that store-bought nut milk undergoes, making proper storage even more essential.

When storing homemade nut milk, always use a sealing container to limit exposure to oxygen and bacteria. Position the container at the back of the refrigerator, where the temperature is most consistent and coldest. This placement minimizes fluctuations in temperature, which can lead to spoilage.

If you've made a large batch and can't consume it within a few days, consider freezing the cashew milk. Pour it into airtight containers or use ice cube trays for portion control. Freezing can extend the shelf life of your homemade cashew milk to 3-6 months. Just remember to leave some space in the container, as the milk will expand when frozen.

Signs of Spoilage

  • One of the first signs that your homemade cashew milk has spoiled is a sour taste. If you take a sip and it tastes off, it's time to discard it.
  • Another clear spoilage sign is an off smell. When you open the container and get a whiff of something that smells wrong, don't risk it.
  • Look out for lumps in your homemade cashew milk. You want it smooth and creamy, so any clumping or thickening is a red flag.
  • Discoloration is another indicator; your cashew milk should be a consistent creamy color. If you see darker patches or it looks separated, it's likely spoiled.
  • Bloating in the container can also suggest spoilage. When bacteria multiply, gases are produced, causing the container to swell.

Proper storage in the refrigerator is essential to maintaining the freshness of your homemade cashew milk. Typically, it lasts 3-5 days before you should start checking for these spoilage signs.

Extending Shelf Life by Freezing

If you're looking for a way to keep your homemade cashew milk fresh longer, freezing it is an excellent option. By freezing your homemade nut milk, you can greatly extend its shelf life, preventing spoilage and waste. Frozen cashew milk remains safe for up to three months without compromising its nutritional value.

To freeze homemade cashew milk, consider using ice cube trays or airtight containers for storage. Ice cube trays make it easy to portion out small amounts, which can be convenient for cooking or adding to smoothies. Once frozen, transfer the cubes to a freezer-safe bag to save space. Alternatively, airtight containers work well for larger quantities.

Here's a quick comparison:



Ice cube trays

Easy portioning

Airtight containers

Bulk storage

Ice cube trays

Space-saving when transferred to bags

Airtight containers

Ideal for large batches

Both methods

Maintains nutritional value

Freezing your homemade cashew milk ensures you always have a supply ready for your culinary needs. Remember, the texture might be slightly different once thawed, but it's still perfect for recipes and beverages.

Using Thawed Cashew Milk

Thawed cashew milk works best in recipes that call for cooking or blending. This is because the texture and taste of thawed homemade cashew milk can be slightly altered compared to its fresh counterpart. However, it's still safe to drink if it doesn't show any signs of spoilage.

To make sure you're getting the best experience with thawed cashew milk, follow these steps:

  1. Check for signs of spoilage: Give it a sniff and taste before using it. If you detect any off smell or taste, discard it immediately.
  2. Use Within 24 Hours: Although thawed homemade cashew milk can last in the fridge for 3-5 days, it's best consumed within 24 hours for the freshest experience.
  3. Incorporate into Recipes: Use it in smoothies, soups, or sauces where the slight change in texture won't be noticeable.

Thawed cashew milk is versatile and can be a great addition to various dishes as an alternative to cow's milk. Just always ensure it's safe to drink by checking for any signs of spoilage before consumption. This practice will help you enjoy your homemade cashew milk without any concerns.

Comparing With Store-Bought Milk

While thawed cashew milk works well in recipes, how does it compare to store-bought versions regarding shelf life and convenience? Homemade cashew milk typically lasts only 3-5 days in the fridge because it lacks the pasteurization that store-bought varieties undergo. Pasteurization greatly extends the shelf life of store-bought cashew milk, allowing it to stay fresh for up to 10 months in shelf-stable packaging.

When you open homemade or store-bought cashew milk, you should consume it within 7-10 days for the best freshness. The type of packaging also plays a role in how long the milk stays fresh. For instance, store-bought cashew milk in Tetra Pak packaging can last longer than homemade milk stored in glass bottles. Refrigerated store-bought cashew milk may spoil faster than shelf-stable options, but it still tends to outlast homemade versions due to added preservation techniques.

In a direct comparison, homemade cashew milk offers a fresher, more natural taste but has a shorter shelf life and more frequent spoilage risks. Store-bought options provide convenience and longer preservation, making them a practical choice for many.

Tips for Maximizing Freshness

Store your homemade cashew milk in an airtight container in the refrigerator to keep it fresh. This simple step helps maintain its shelf life, which typically ranges from 3 to 5 days.

For even better results, follow these storage tips to extend freshness:

  • Freezing: Pour your cashew milk into ice cube trays and freeze. This method can prolong its shelf life by up to 3 months. When ready to use it, thaw the cubes in the refrigerator. Remember that thawed cashew milk might taste less fresh, but it's perfect for cooking and baking.
  • Proper Handling Practices: Always use clean utensils when handling homemade cashew milk to prevent contamination. Avoid leaving it out at room temperature for extended periods. After each use, promptly return it to the refrigerator.
  • Labeling: Clearly label the container with the date you made the milk. This will help you keep track of its freshness and use it within the best time frame.


To keep your homemade cashew milk fresh, store it in clean, airtight containers in the fridge for up to 5 days. Freeze it for up to 3 months if you need longer preservation. Always check for spoilage signs like sour taste, smell, lumps, or discoloration. You'll always enjoy delicious, fresh cashew milk following these storage tips. Remember, proper storage is key to maximizing its shelf life and quality.

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