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Prebiotics Green icon of bottle of pills of prebiotics

The human microbiome encompasses the aggregate genetic material derived from microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses, residing in various anatomical regions of the human body. Research conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and published in peer-reviewed journals such as "Nature Medicine" and "Gastroenterology" has elucidated the pivotal roles of the gut microbiome in modulating immune responses, providing potential defense mechanisms against pathogenic entities, and metabolizing non-digestible food constituents (NIH, Nature Medicine, Gastroenterology).

Prebiotics and probiotics function synergistically to optimize gut health. Prebiotics are specialized plant fibers, predominantly found in fruits and vegetables, enriched with complex carbohydrates like fiber and resistant starch. These fibers act as substrates to facilitate the proliferation of beneficial bacterial flora (Harvard Medical School, WHO). Conversely, probiotics comprise live microbial strains that enhance the beneficial bacterial communities within the gastrointestinal tract. While prebiotics serve to nourish the endogenous gut bacteria, probiotics introduce additional viable strains, collaboratively contributing to the maintenance of a balanced and robust gut microbiome (FDA, USDA, Mayo Clinic).

Cartoon Image in human intestine with a magnifying glass showing closeup of healthy prebiotics living in the gut

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