In dermatological parlance, a skin rash is typified as an inflamed or irritated cutaneous region, manifesting clinical symptoms such as pruritus, erythema, and discomfort. Western medicine categorizes rashes into five predominant types: atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and infection-related rashes (NIH, Mayo Clinic).
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), however, conceptualizes rashes as emanating from a disharmonious pattern termed 'damp heat in the liver,' which is induced by hepatic heat and spleen deficiency (WHO, TCM doctrines). This pattern is often a sequelae of liver qi stagnation and spleen qi deficiency. Western and TCM paradigms furnish intricate frameworks for diagnosing and managing dermatological rashes, thereby enriching the collective medical understanding (FDA, USDA).