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Amla Murabba Benefits: Top 4 Reasons to Try It

4 min read time Jun 21, 2024


When you think about boosting your health with something delicious, amla murabba might not be the first thing that comes to mind. However, this nutritious treat, packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants, offers numerous benefits that can improve your overall well-being. 

From enhancing your immune system to supporting better digestion, amla murabba is a powerhouse of health. It even promotes heart health and enhances the quality of your hair and skin. How can this low-calorie, high-fiber delicacy become essential to your diet? Let's explore its benefits and see why it's worth considering.

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Nutritional Value

Amla murabba contains essential nutrients like minerals, protein, amino acids, fiber, and carbohydrates. You benefit from its impressive nutritional value when you include amla murabba in your diet. This superfood is over 80% water and contains significant vitamin C and gallic acid, both powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants help combat free radicals in your body, promoting overall health and vitality.

  • Amla murabba provides essential nutrients such as copper, iron, chromium, and zinc, which are important for maintaining various bodily functions. Its fiber content is notable, with 3 grams per half-cup serving, supporting digestive health and helping you feel full longer. Additionally, it's a low-calorie food, with just 33 calories per half-cup, making it a great addition to a balanced diet.
  • Because it contains less than 1 gram of fat and 0 grams of sugar per serving, amla murabba is a healthy choice for those looking to manage their weight. Its combination of essential nutrients and antioxidants supports the immune system, ensuring you stay healthy and energized.

Boosts Immunity

Adding amla murabba to your daily diet can greatly strengthen your immune system. Packed with vitamin C and potent antioxidants, amla murabba is a powerhouse for boosting immunity. Vitamin C is well-known for enhancing the body's defense mechanisms, ensuring your immune system is well-equipped to fight infections. By consuming amla murabba regularly, you can markedly improve your overall immunity.

  • The high antioxidant content in amla murabba plays an important role in protecting your body from harmful pathogens and free radicals. These antioxidants work diligently to neutralize free radicals, which can cause cellular damage and weaken your immune system. By doing so, amla murabba helps maintain the integrity of your immune cells, ensuring they function effectively.
  • In addition, the regular intake of amla murabba can help prevent recurrent illnesses, making it an essential addition to your diet for long-term health benefits. The natural compounds in amla murabba boost immunity and enhance your body's defense mechanisms, providing a strong shield against potential threats.

Aids Digestion

Incorporating amla murabba into your diet can greatly enhance your digestive health by promoting regular and healthy bowel movements. With its high fiber content, amla murabba supports efficient digestion and helps maintain a well-functioning digestive system. The fiber-rich content is a natural remedy for constipation, making it an excellent choice for dealing with gastric issues.

  • Regular consumption of amla murabba can effectively alleviate stomach discomfort, ensuring you feel more comfortable throughout the day. Amla murabba is particularly beneficial if you're struggling with digestive problems like gastritis. Thanks to its soothing properties, it can be consumed with honey or milk to relieve such issues.
  • The high fiber in amla murabba aids digestion and helps keep bowel movements regular and healthy. This natural remedy is a simple yet effective way to address common digestive troubles without relying on synthetic medications.

Heart Health

You can effectively support heart health and regulate cholesterol levels by including amla murabba in your diet. This nutrient-rich preserve is packed with essential minerals like chromium, zinc, and copper, which are important in maintaining cardiovascular health. Chromium, in particular, is recognized for its ability to manage cholesterol levels, ensuring your heart stays in top shape.

  • Amla murabba is also a powerhouse of antioxidants essential in fighting oxidative stress and reducing inflammation. Both oxidative stress and inflammation are significant contributors to heart diseases. By combating these factors, the antioxidants in amla murabba help lower your risk of heart-related issues.
  • Regular consumption of amla murabba can significantly improve heart health. The combined effects of its minerals and antioxidants help regulate cholesterol levels and provide a protective shield against cardiovascular problems.

Hair and Skin

Incorporating amla murabba into your diet can greatly improve hair and skin health. The high folic acid and vitamin C content in amla murabba helps prevent hair fall and promotes healthy hair growth. You'll notice stronger, shinier hair with regular consumption.

The antioxidants in this delicious preserve also play a noteworthy role in maintaining skin health. They help reduce acne marks, spots, and scars, giving your skin a clearer appearance.

  • Regularly eating amla murabba for six months can notably enhance your skin's elasticity and collagen production. Collagen is essential for maintaining youthful skin, so this can lead to noticeable skin rejuvenation and blemish reduction.
  • The vitamin C in amla murabba further aids in skin rejuvenation by promoting a healthier complexion and reducing the appearance of blemishes.
  • Moreover, amla murabba offers excellent anti-aging benefits. The vitamins A, C, and E in this preserve work together to support youthful skin, reducing signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.


Incorporating amla murabba into your diet is a tasty and effective way to boost your overall health. You'll enjoy its rich nutrients and antioxidants that strengthen your immune system, support digestive health, and enhance your heart's well-being. The benefits extend to your hair and skin, giving you a radiant glow. With its low-calorie count and high fiber content, amla murabba is a delicious ally in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

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