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Indulge in Smooth Coconut Cashew Milk – Dairy-Free Delight

6 min read time Jun 27, 2024


If you're looking for a creamy, dairy-free alternative, coconut cashew milk might be just what you need. Combining the richness of cashews with the tropical notes of coconut, this homemade milk is both nutritious and versatile. You'll only need a few simple ingredients and some basic kitchen equipment to get started. Have you ever wondered how to achieve that perfect balance of flavor and texture, or curious about the health benefits it offers? Several tips and variations can elevate your coconut cashew milk to a new level.

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Packed with flavor and nutrients, Coconut Cashew Milk includes raw cashews, shredded dried coconut, salt, an optional Medjool date, and filtered water. This dairy-free milk is a fantastic choice if you're looking for a creamy, non-dairy alternative.

  • The raw cashews bring a rich, nutty flavor, while the shredded dried coconut adds a subtle hint of tropical sweetness. The ingredients aren't just delicious but also nutrient-dense. Cashews are known for their healthy fats and protein, making this milk a great energy source. The coconut adds medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which benefit metabolism and overall health.
  • A pinch of salt enhances the flavors, and if you like sweetness, a Medjool date can be added for its natural sugar and fiber content. This versatile dairy-free milk can be used in various dishes, from your morning coffee and smoothies to oatmeal and baking recipes.
  • It's vegan, gluten-free, and incredibly easy to make at home. It ensures you get fresh and creamy milk every time.


  1. To make Coconut Cashew Milk, soak the raw cashews in hot water for 20-30 minutes to soften them. This step guarantees they blend smoothly, creating a creamy texture. Once the cashews are soft, drain and rinse them.
  2. Next, place the soaked cashews, shredded coconut, a pinch of salt, and a Medjool date (if using) into a high-speed blender. Add four cups of water to the blender. Blend high for 2-3 minutes until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
  3. After blending, strain the mixture through a nut milk bag to remove any remaining pulp. This step is essential for achieving a silky-smooth texture. Don't throw away the pulp; you can use it in smoothies or baked goods to minimize waste.

Here's a quick look at the process:





Raw cashews

20-30 min


Cashews, shredded coconut, salt, date (optional), water

2-3 min


Nut milk bag


Enjoy your homemade coconut cashew milk in coffee, smoothies, or desserts. It's a delicious and nutritious non-dairy alternative that's easy to make in your kitchen.

Health Benefits

You'll enjoy various health benefits when incorporating coconut cashew milk into your diet. It's perfect for those who are lactose intolerant, as it's completely dairy-free and easy to digest. You won't have to worry about the discomfort of consuming traditional milk.

  • Coconut cashew milk boasts remarkable nutritional value. It's packed with essential nutrients that contribute to overall well-being. The heart-healthy properties of coconut and cashews can support cardiovascular health, helping you maintain a healthy heart. Plus, it's low in calories without sacrificing flavor, making it a smart choice if you're watching your intake.
  • One of the standout features of coconut cashew milk is its creamy texture. Despite being lower in calories, it doesn't compromise on richness and taste, making it a delightful addition to smoothies, coffee, or milk recipes.
  • Unlike other plant-based milks, it offers a balanced, subtle flavor without a strong coconut taste, ensuring it blends well with various dishes.

Equipment Recommendations

To make coconut cashew milk at home, you'll need a few key equipment to guarantee the best results. 

  • First and foremost, a high-speed blender is vital. This powerful tool guarantees that coconut and cashew nuts blend smoothly into a creamy, consistent mixture. Without it, you might end up with gritty milk that's far from pleasant.
  • Once you've blended the ingredients, the next essential step involves a nut milk bag. This handy item helps you strain the mixture, removing any remaining pulp and leaving you with silky, smooth coconut cashew milk. Simply pour the blended mixture through the bag, squeeze the liquid, and discard the pulp.
  • If you prefer an even more seamless process, consider investing in an Almond Cow Milk Maker. This machine is designed to make nut milk and save time while ensuring consistent results. However, it's unnecessary if you already have a high-speed blender and a nut milk bag.
  • Ultimately, the right equipment makes all the difference. By choosing tools that meet your needs and preferences, you'll consistently produce delicious, creamy coconut cashew milk that's perfect for any recipe.

Variations and Flavor Options

Explore various ways to elevate coconut cashew milk by experimenting with different sweeteners, spices, and extracts. Customizing your blend allows you to create multiple flavor options to suit your taste preferences.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Sweeteners: Try natural sweeteners like honey, agave, or date syrup. Each brings a unique sweetness that enhances the creamy richness of the coconut cashew milk.
  • Spices: Add aromatic spices such as cinnamon or nutmeg. These spices provide a warm and inviting flavor and complement the milk's nutty and tropical notes.
  • Extracts: Add a hint of vanilla extract to your milk. This addition can give your coconut cashew milk a delightful and comforting twist.

Storage and Shelf Life

To maintain the freshness of your homemade coconut cashew milk, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Proper storage is vital to preserving its flavor and nutritional benefits. This method also helps prevent spoilage caused by prolonged exposure to air.

  • You should consume your cashew coconut milk within 3-4 days for the best taste and quality. This short shelf life guarantees you enjoy the milk at its peak freshness. If you notice any changes in texture, smell, or taste beyond this timeframe, it's best to discard the milk.
  • Using an airtight container not only keeps the milk fresh but also helps to lock in the nutrients and flavors. Make sure the container is clean and tightly sealed to avoid any contamination. Proper storage practices will make a noticeable difference in the longevity and quality of your homemade milk.

Troubleshooting Issues

If you run into issues like separation or bitterness in your coconut cashew milk, don't worry—these problems are easy to fix. Separation issues are common, but a simple solution is to shake your milk well before each use. This action helps restore its silkiness and blend flavors seamlessly.

When it comes to bitterness, adjusting the sweetness level can greatly enhance the taste of your milk. Add a natural sweetener like maple syrup or honey to balance out bitter notes.

Here are three effective troubleshooting tips:

  1. Shake Well: Always give your coconut cashew milk a good shake to mix any separated components.
  2. Adjust Sweetness: If the milk tastes bitter, add a bit of sweetener to improve the overall flavor.
  3. Blend Flavors: Ensure all ingredients are well-blended during preparation to achieve a smooth and consistent texture.

Nutritional Information

Considering its rich nutrient profile, coconut cashew milk offers a wholesome alternative to traditional dairy milk. This creamy, non-dairy milk is made from raw cashews and shredded dried coconut blended with filtered water. It's a fantastic source of healthy fats essential for maintaining good heart health and supporting brain function.

  • Cashew milk, in particular, is packed with essential nutrients. It provides a good amount of protein, fiber, and important minerals like magnesium, which helps with muscle function, and zinc, which supports your immune system. The healthy fats in cashews also aid in nutrient absorption and keep you feeling full longer.
  • Coconut cashew milk is lactose-free, making it ideal for lactose-intolerant people. It's also vegan and gluten-free, catering to various dietary restrictions. Unlike many store-bought non-dairy milk options, this homemade version is free from additives, preservatives, and artificial flavors, ensuring a pure and natural product.
  • Coconut cashew milk can be enjoyed in various ways. You can use it in your morning coffee, blend it into smoothies, or simply drink it on its own for an invigorating and nutritious beverage.

Recipes Using Coconut Cashew Milk

Whether you want to enhance your morning coffee or create a decadent dessert, coconut cashew milk can be the perfect addition to various recipes. This creamy, non-dairy milk replacement is incredibly versatile and easy to make at home, making it a healthier and tastier option than store-bought versions.

Here are some delicious ways to incorporate coconut cashew milk into your culinary creations:

  • Coffee Creamer: Elevate your morning brew with coconut cashew milk. Its rich, creamy texture adds a luxurious feel to your coffee without the need for dairy.
  • Homemade Ice Cream: Use coconut cashew milk to create silky, indulgent homemade ice cream. Blend it with your favorite flavors and freeze for a delightful treat.
  • Smoothies and Overnight Oats: Coconut cashew milk adds a creamy twist to smoothies and overnight oats. It blends seamlessly, providing a smooth consistency and subtle nutty flavor.

You don't need to strain it after blending, saving time and effort. Plus, making it at home takes just about 3 minutes.


You've now got all the know-how to whip up a batch of delicious coconut cashew milk at home. It's a fantastic dairy-free option that's not only creamy and versatile but also packed with nutrients. Whether you add it to your coffee, use it in recipes, or just enjoy a glass on its own, you'll love the rich, balanced flavor. So, grab your ingredients and equipment and enjoy this wholesome, homemade treat!

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