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Shrimps With Coconut Milk Recipe

7 min read time Jun 06, 2024


Preparing a delightful meal with tender shrimp enveloped in a rich coconut milk sauce with garlic, ginger, and a touch of red pepper flakes. Serve this over a bed of steamy rice or noodles, topped with fresh cilantro and a squeeze of lime. You'll find that this dish strikes a perfect balance between sweet, savory, and spicy. But what truly sets this recipe apart? Stay tuned to uncover the essential ingredients, expert cooking tips, and step-by-step instructions that make this tropical delight a breeze to create.

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To make this delicious Shrimp with Coconut Milk dish, you'll need fresh shrimp, coconut milk, garlic, red pepper flakes, lime, and other key ingredients.

  • Start by gathering full-fat coconut milk, which provides a rich, creamy base for the sauce. The shrimp, ideally fresh, will be simmered gently in this flavorful liquid, absorbing all the wonderful aromas and tastes.
  • You'll also need garlic, which brings a spicy, savory depth to the dish. Red pepper flakes add a bit of heat, perfectly balancing the creamy coconut milk. Lime juice is essential for a burst of acidity, brightening the flavor profile and cutting through the richness.
  • In addition to these main ingredients, olive oil and butter will be used for sautéing and adding a silky texture. Honey adds a touch of sweetness, while shallots and scallions provide complexity and aromatic quality. Fish sauce contributes a subtle umami taste, enhancing the overall depth of the dish.

With this combination of ingredients, you'll create a Coconut Shrimp dish that's high in protein and healthy fats and delivers a delightful balance of flavors. Serve it with rice, vegetables, or crusty bread for a complete meal experience.

Cooking Tips

Watch for your shrimp to turn firm, opaque, and pink to guarantee they are cooked to perfection. Properly cooked shrimp are essential for a delicious dish, especially when paired with rich coconut milk. To avoid overcooking, keep an eye on the shrimp as they cook; they change quickly, and overcooked shrimp can become tough and lose their flavor.

When choosing shrimp, size is a personal preference, but medium to large shrimp work well for this recipe. If you're using frozen shrimp, ensure they're fully thawed before cooking. This ensures even cooking and avoids cold centers.

Here are some handy tips to make certain perfect shrimp every time:



Watch the color

Cook until shrimp are pink and opaque.

Firm texture

Shrimp should be firm but not rubbery.


Shrimp cook fast, usually within 3-4 minutes.


Fully thaw frozen shrimp before cooking.

Incorporating these tips will help you achieve perfectly cooked shrimp, enhancing the overall flavor of your coconut milk recipe. Remember, the key is to prevent overcooking and ensure each shrimp is tender and delicious. Enjoy your culinary creation!

Preparation Steps

How do I get started with this delicious dish? 

  • First, prepare the shrimp. Peel and devein them, ensuring they're clean and ready for marinating. 
  • Next, create a marinade using oil, honey, finely chopped garlic, grated ginger, and chili flakes. 
  • Coat the shrimp in this mixture and let them sit for 15-20 minutes to soak up all those wonderful flavors.
  • While the shrimp marinate, you can begin prepping the ingredients for the coconut milk sauce. 
  • Mince some garlic and ginger, as these will be key components in your sauce. 
  • In a saucepan, combine the coconut milk with the minced garlic and ginger. Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer, allowing the flavors to meld together beautifully.
  • Once the shrimp has marinated, you can move on to the next preparation stage. In a separate pan, melt some butter, and sauté shallots and scallions until they're fragrant. Add the marinated shrimp and cook briefly, just until they start to turn pink.

Cooking Instructions

Now that your shrimp are marinated and your sauce is prepped, it's time to cook everything perfectly. 

  • Begin by heating a large skillet over medium heat. Add a splash of oil and toss in the marinated shrimp. Cook them until they're pink and cooked, then remove them from the skillet and set aside.
  • Next, add a bit more oil, if needed, in the same skillet and toss in the chopped onions, minced garlic, fresh basil, and grated ginger. Sauté until the mixture is fragrant and the onions are translucent. This forms the aromatic base of your dish.
  • Pour in the diced tomatoes and coconut milk, stirring well to combine. Let the mixture simmer gently, letting the flavors meld together, and the sauce thicken slightly. 
  • Once you have a creamy, rich sauce, return the cooked shrimp to the skillet. Stir and let them heat through, ensuring every piece is coated with the luscious coconut milk sauce.

Serving Suggestions

Serving the shrimp with coconut milk over a bed of steamed rice or tender noodles creates a satisfying and delicious meal. The rich and creamy coconut milk pairs beautifully with the succulent shrimp, offering a harmonious blend of flavors.

  • For added texture and flavor, consider pairing this shrimp dish with Asian cucumber salad, green beans, or broccoli. These sides complement the main dish without overpowering it.
  • To elevate the dish further, garnish with fresh cilantro and a squeeze of lime juice. The cilantro adds a pop of color and freshness, while the lime juice introduces a zesty acidity that balances the richness of the coconut milk. If you prefer a bit of heat, make a spicy shrimp version by adding chili flakes or a dash of hot sauce.
  • For a heartier meal, you can also directly incorporate vegetables like spinach, bell peppers, or kale into the dish. These additions boost nutritional value and enhance the overall texture and flavor.

Storage Guidelines

After enjoying your shrimp with coconut milk, proper storage guarantees that you'll savor the leftovers just as much, following the right storage guidelines ensures that your dish remains delicious and safe.

  • Place your leftover shrimp in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. This keeps the flavors fresh and the coconut milk creamy.
  • If you want to save your shrimp longer, you can freeze it. Let the shrimp and coconut milk cool completely before transferring them to a freezer-safe container. You can freeze the dish for up to 2-3 months. When you're ready to enjoy it again, simply thaw the frozen shrimp with coconut milk in the refrigerator overnight.

Here are some emotional benefits of following these storage guidelines:

  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your leftovers are stored safely.
  • Convenience: Easy to pull a delicious meal from the freezer.
  • Flavor Preservation: Retains the rich taste of coconut milk and shrimp.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduces food waste and saves money.
  • Flexibility: Allows you to enjoy your favorite dish anytime.

Reheating Methods

When reheating your shrimp with coconut milk, do it gently to maintain the dish's texture and flavor. The best method is to use the stove over low heat. This approach helps guarantee the coconut milk from curdling and keeps the shrimp tender.

  • Add a splash of water or extra coconut milk to maintain the sauce's consistency. Stir frequently to distribute the heat evenly and avoid hot spots that could overcook the shrimp or cause the coconut milk to separate.
  • If you're in a hurry, you can use the microwave, but be cautious. Reheating shrimp with coconut milk in the microwave is quick but may impact the dish's texture. To minimize this, place the shrimp and coconut milk in a microwave-safe dish, add a splash of water or coconut milk, and cover it with a lid or microwave-safe wrap.
  • Heat it on a low setting in short intervals, stirring between intervals to ensure even reheating. Avoid overheating; it can make the shrimp tough and separate the coconut milk.

Nutritional Information

This delightful dish is more than just a treat for your taste buds; it's also packed with essential nutrients that support a healthy diet.

  • Each serving of shrimp with coconut milk provides about 320 calories, making it a moderate-calorie option for a satisfying meal. You'll get a generous 25g of protein from the shrimp, essential for muscle repair and growth. The coconut milk adds 20g of fat, including healthy fats that are good for your heart and brain.
  • This dish is rich in vitamins and minerals, in addition to macronutrients. Coconut milk contributes vitamins C and E, which are important for your immune system and skin health. You'll also get a good dose of calcium, iron, and fiber, helping you meet your daily nutritional needs.

Here's what makes this dish special:

  •  25g of protein: Perfect for muscle building and repair.
  •  Vitamins C and E: Boost your immune system and skin health.
  • 320 calories: A balanced amount for a fulfilling meal.
  •  2g of fiber: Supports digestive health.
  • Essential minerals: Including calcium and iron for overall wellness.

With this nutritional profile, you can enjoy a delicious meal that's also good for you!

Recipe Variations

You can customize shrimp with coconut milk in countless ways to suit your taste and dietary needs. For a different protein option, you can start by substituting shrimp with chicken or tofu. Adding green curry paste or red pepper flakes will elevate the dish's spiciness for those who crave an extra kick.

To make it a complete meal, consider incorporating vegetables like bell peppers or spinach, adding color and nutrients. Adjusting the seasoning levels of garlic, ginger, and red pepper flakes can help you achieve the perfect balance of flavors in your creamy coconut base. For a fresh twist, you can also experiment with unique ingredients like Thai basil or lemongrass.

Here's a quick reference table for some popular recipe variations:



Protein Swap

Substitute shrimp with chicken or tofu

Spice Level

Add green curry paste or extra red pepper flakes

Vegetable Addition

Incorporate bell peppers or spinach

Seasoning Adjustments

Modify garlic, ginger, and red pepper flake amounts

Unique Ingredients

Experiment with Thai basil, lemongrass, or chili peppers


In no time, you'll have a dish that tastes like a vacation on a plate. The creamy coconut milk, succulent shrimp, and vibrant spices create a comforting and exotic meal. Serve it over rice or noodles, and garnish with cilantro and lime for an extra burst of freshness. With these simple steps, you're just moments away from a tropical culinary escape you'll want to revisit again and again. Enjoy!

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