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Vegan Coffee Cake Recipe: Delicious and Dairy-Free

8 min read time Aug 08, 2024


Imagine starting your morning with a slice of vegan coffee cake that's both delicious and dairy-free. You'll appreciate how the rich batter, infused with cinnamon and vanilla, pairs perfectly with a crunchy streusel topping. This recipe doesn't just cater to a plant-based diet; it elevates a classic favorite with simple ingredient swaps and an easy baking process. Whether planning a cozy breakfast or a delightful brunch, this cake promises a moist, flavorful experience. But what sets this recipe apart? Let's explore the key elements that make it so irresistible.

Why You'll Love This Recipe?

You'll love this vegan coffee cake recipe because it's packed with delicious cinnamon flavors and is dairy-free and egg-free. Whether vegan or just for a delightful treat, this cake will hit the spot. The batter is infused with rich cinnamon, ensuring every bite bursts with warm, comforting flavors.

Fuel Your Day with Rich, Creamy Organic Chocolate Vegan Protein

  • One of the standout features of this cake is its streusel topping. The crumbly, cinnamon-laden streusel adds a delightful contrast in texture, making each mouthful a perfect blend of moist cake and crunchy topping. You'll find that this coffee cake pairs beautifully with your morning coffee or tea, making it an ideal addition to your breakfast or brunch menu.
  • Another reason you'll appreciate the recipe is its simplicity. It uses common ingredients, so you won't need to hunt down special vegan substitutes. Despite being dairy-free and egg-free, the cake remains wonderfully moist and flavorful, proving that you don't need traditional baking ingredients to create something truly delicious.

If you're a cinnamon lover or enjoy a good coffee cake, this vegan version will quickly become a favorite in your recipe collection.

Ingredients List

When making a vegan coffee cake, you'll rely on essential substitutes like applesauce and vegan butter to keep it plant-based and delicious. Cinnamon and a homemade buttermilk substitute using non-dairy milk and vinegar enhance the flavor. You can even choose a gluten-free flour blend for specific dietary needs.

  • Plant-Based Milk: 1 cup
  • Applesauce: 1/2 cup
  • Gluten-Free Flour: 2 cups
  • Vegan Cane Sugar: 1 cup
  • Vegan Butter: 1/2 cup (melted)

Essential Vegan Substitutes

Switching out traditional ingredients for vegan alternatives is simpler than you might think with the right substitutes. 

  • Start by replacing dairy butter with vegan butter for your vegan coffee cake. It works perfectly as a dairy butter substitute, providing the same creamy texture. 
  • Next, swap out dairy for plant-based milk like almond or soy milk; both are excellent dairy-free options. Use applesauce as an egg substitute to maintain the cake's moisture and binding properties. It's a fantastic way to keep your cake moist without using eggs.
  • Choose a gluten-free, vegan coffee cake if you're aiming for a gluten-free flour blend. These blends are specially formulated to mimic traditional flour's texture and baking properties. Don't forget to replace conventional white sugar with vegan cane or coconut sugar. Both options are plant-based and fit seamlessly into a vegan lifestyle.

Here's a quick reference table for your essential vegan substitutes:

Traditional Ingredient

Vegan Substitute


Dairy Butter

Vegan Butter

Dairy Butter Substitute

Dairy Milk

Plant-Based Milk

Dairy-Free Option



Egg Substitute

Traditional Flour

Gluten-Free Flour

Gluten-Free Vegan Coffee Cake

White Sugar

Vegan Cane Sugar

Plant-Based Sweetener

With these simple swaps, you can bake a delicious, dairy-free vegan coffee cake!

Flavor Enhancing Ingredients

To elevate the taste of your vegan coffee cake, include essential flavor-enhancing ingredients like cinnamon, vanilla extract, and apple sauce. Cinnamon brings a warm, spicy flavor profile that complements the cake's sweetness. It adds depth and a cozy, aromatic essence, making each bite irresistible.

  • Vanilla extract is another must-have. Its rich, aromatic notes enhance the cake's overall taste. Vanilla's soothing yet bold character combines all the flavors, making your dairy-free coffee cake delightful.
  • Remember the apple sauce. This ingredient is a game-changer. It contributes to the cake's moist texture, ensuring it's tender and succulent. Not only does apple sauce help replace dairy while keeping the cake dairy-free, but it also introduces a subtle fruity sweetness. This fruity note adds a layer of complexity to the flavor profile, making the cake even more enjoyable.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Preheat your oven to 350°F and grease a square baking dish to prepare the vegan coffee cake.

  • Start by making a vegan buttermilk substitute: combine non-dairy milk with a bit of vinegar and let it sit for a few minutes. This will add essential moisture and a slight tang to your batter.
  • In a mixing bowl, combine your dry ingredients, then add the vegan buttermilk substitute. Mix until just combined, being careful not to overwork the batter.
  • Pour half of the batter into the prepared square baking dish. Sprinkle a generous layer of cinnamon sugar filling over the batter, ensuring an even distribution for a consistent flavor in every bite. Add the remaining batter, spreading it gently to cover the filling completely.
  • Now, prepare the streusel topping. Mix your ingredients until they form coarse crumbs, and sprinkle them evenly over the top layer of batter.
  • Bake the cake for 45-50 minutes at 350°F. It's done when a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  • Once baked, drizzle melted vegan butter over the top for added richness. Let it cool slightly before serving this dairy-free, delightful treat.

Substitutions and Variations

Exploring substitutions and variations can help you tailor the vegan coffee cake recipe to your dietary needs and flavor preferences. 

  • One of the easiest swaps is using different non-dairy milks, like almond or oat milk, guaranteeing the cake's moisture without dairy.
  • If you need gluten-free options, consider using a gluten-free flour blend or almond flour instead of regular flour. This substitution guarantees your cake remains fluffy and delicious while accommodating gluten sensitivities.
  • Replace the vegan butter with mashed bananas or avocado for an oil-free version. These substitutes reduce the fat content and add a unique flavor profile.

You can also reduce sugar content using natural sweeteners like maple syrup or agave nectar rather than cane sugar. This will give your cake a subtle sweetness without compromising on taste. Mix chopped nuts or dried fruits into the batter to add texture and flavor.

  • Non-Dairy Milk: Almond or oat milk
  • Gluten-Free Options: Gluten-free flour blend or almond flour
  • Add-Ins: Chopped nuts, dried fruits, or chocolate chips

These substitutions and variations make personalizing your vegan coffee cake easy while keeping it delicious and dairy-free.

Storage Tips

After customizing your vegan coffee cake with various substitutions, it's important to know how to store it properly to maintain its deliciousness. 

  • Start by placing any leftovers in an airtight container.
  • If you plan to consume it within 2-3 days, storing it at room temperature is fine. However, refrigerate the coffee cake for longer storage to maintain freshness for up to a week.
  • If you foresee not finishing the cake within this period, freezing is an excellent option. Cut the coffee cake into individual slices and place them in a freezer-ready container. This way, you can simply thaw a slice whenever you crave it.
  • Frozen vegan coffee cake can last up to six months without losing its delightful texture and flavor. When you're ready to enjoy a frozen slice, transfer it to the refrigerator overnight to thaw. This gradual thawing process helps maintain the cake's original moisture and taste.
  • Proper storage guarantees that your vegan coffee cake remains as delicious as the day you baked it, allowing you to savor every bite over time.

Additional Vegan Desserts

You'll find a delightful array of vegan desserts beyond coffee cake, offering flavors and textures to satisfy any sweet tooth. Vegan dessert recipes come in various forms, from rich and indulgent to light and fruity. Each bite brings a new dimension to plant-based baking.

Explore these delicious options:

  • New York Style Crumb Cake: Indulge in the classic, buttery crumb topping made entirely vegan.
  • Pumpkin and Banana Cream Cheese Cakes: Enjoy pumpkin's creamy, spiced goodness or the sweet, tropical banana flavor.
  • Almond and Chocolate Chip Cakes: Delight in the nutty richness of almonds or the irresistible sweetness of chocolate chips.

Fruity variations also make an excellent choice. Try a vegan apple crumb cake for a comforting, homey treat or a blueberry buckle cake bursting with fresh berries. If you're in the mood for something citrusy, the lemon blueberry cream cheese coffee cake offers a perfect blend of tangy and sweet flavors.

Pair any of these desserts with a cup of coffee for a perfect breakfast or snack. Experiment with different ingredients and presentations to create unique vegan dessert masterpieces.

Nutrition Information

You'll be pleased to know that each slice of vegan coffee cake contains about 297 calories, making it a moderate indulgence. It provides a balanced mix of 53g of carbohydrates, 3g of protein, and 9g of fat. Plus, with just 98mg of sodium, it's a relatively healthy treat that fits well into various diets.

Calorie Count Per Serving

A slice of vegan coffee cake contains around 297 calories per serving, making it a moderately indulgent treat. When you savor a slice, you're enjoying a delicious and dairy-free dessert and consuming a balanced mix of nutrients.

Each serving of vegan coffee cake packs approximately 53g of carbohydrates, giving you a quick energy boost to kee you going. With 3g of protein per serving, this delightful treat provides a modest amount of this essential macronutrient. The fat content stands at around 9g per slice, adding to the rich and satisfying texture of the cake. Plus, the sodium content is relatively low at about 98mg per serving, so you can enjoy your dessert without worrying too much about salt intake.

Here's a quick breakdown of what you're getting in each serving:

  • Calories: 297
  • Carbohydrates: 53g
  • Protein: 3g
  • Fat: 9g
  • Sodium: 98mg

Indulging in a slice of vegan coffee cake is a delicious way to treat yourself, all while keeping your dietary choices dairy-free and relatively balanced. Enjoy every bite!

Essential Nutrients Breakdown

Delving into the essential nutrients of vegan coffee cake, you'll find it offers a well-rounded mix of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. A standard slice of this dairy-free delight contains around 297 calories, making it a satisfying treat that won't derail your diet.

  • The bulk of these calories comes from carbohydrates, with each slice providing approximately 53g. These carbs offer a quick energy boost, perfect for starting your day or providing an afternoon pick-me-up.
  • The vegan coffee cake also includes about 9g of fat per slice. While it's moderate, it contributes to the cake's rich texture and flavor. This fat content is mainly derived from plant-based ingredients, ensuring it fits well into a dairy-free diet.
  • Each slice contains around 3g of protein. Though modest, this protein content adds to the cake's nutritional profile, supporting muscle repair and growth.
  • Additionally, the cake's sodium content is about 98mg per serving, which is relatively low, helping to keep your sodium intake in check.

Health Benefits 

Frequently, indulging in a slice of vegan coffee cake offers a delightful way to enjoy a treat without compromising your health goals. This dairy-free and plant-based dessert provides a balanced mix of nutrients that can easily fit into your diet.

One slice of vegan coffee cake typically contains around 297 calories, which makes it a moderate-calorie option. It is a quick energy source with 53g of carbohydrates per serving, perfect for an afternoon pick-me-up. Additionally, you'll get 3g of protein per slice, helping to support a balanced diet, which is especially important for those following a plant-based lifestyle.

Here are some key nutritional highlights:

  • Moderate Fat Content: With 9g of fat per slice, you get a reasonable amount that contributes to satiety without overloading on unhealthy fats.
  • Low Sodium: At 98mg of sodium per serving, this vegan coffee cake is a low-sodium option compared to many other baked goods.
  • Energy Boost: The 53g of carbohydrates provide a quick energy source, making it a great choice for a pre-workout snack or an energy boost during the day.

Enjoying a slice of vegan coffee cake can be a guilt-free way to satisfy your sweet tooth while sticking to your health and nutritional goals.


You're going to love this vegan coffee cake recipe. It's a breeze, bursting with warm cinnamon and vanilla flavors and topped with a delightful streusel. Perfect for breakfast, brunch, or just a treat, it's sure to be a hit. Plus, with simple substitutions, you will get the dairy. So go ahead, enjoy a slice (or two), and share the joy with friends and family. Happy baking!

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