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How to Make Cacao Tea?

6 min read time Jun 05, 2024


Curious about a unique, antioxidant-rich beverage? Start by grinding raw cacao powder into a fine paste. Boil some water, add the paste, and let it steep for a few minutes. Strain the mixture and adjust the steeping time to your taste. You'll want to explore flavoring options like almond milk, nutmeg, and cinnamon. The sweet toffee and caramel notes can be a real treat whether you serve it hot or cold. Fancy experimenting with mint or vanilla? There's more to crafting this delightful drink than just the basics. Ready to enhance your cacao tea experience? 

Elevate your recipes with the decadent flavor and health benefits of our Organic Extra Rich Cacao Powder!


You'll need simple ingredients like raw cacao powder, water, and almond milk when making cacao tea. These basics form the foundation of a delicious and creamy cacao tea. 

  • Start with raw cacao powder, which is rich in antioxidants and has a deep, chocolatey flavor. Mix this with water to create the base of your tea.
  • Almond milk is a fantastic addition to a creamy consistency. It not only adds a smooth texture but also complements the rich flavor of the cacao powder. If you prefer a bit of spice in your tea, consider adding nutmeg, cinnamon, and a bay leaf. These spices enhance the flavor profile, making the tea more aromatic and flavorful.
  • A spicy cacao tea variation might include coconut sugar for a touch of sweetness. This natural sweetener blends well with the cacao powder and spices, creating a balanced and delightful taste.

The ingredients for cacao tea are highly customizable, so feel free to experiment. You could add mint leaves for a refreshing twist or try different sweeteners and types of milk to suit your taste preferences. Cacao tea's simplicity and versatility make it a delightful beverage to enjoy and personalize.

Preparing the Cacao Beans

Preparing the cacao beans requires careful steps to harness their rich flavor for your tea. 

  • Start by ensuring your cacao beans are properly harvested from cacao trees. These beans are the essential base for both cacao tea and hot chocolate.
  • First, the beans need to be fermented. This step is vital as it develops the beans' unique flavors. After fermentation, the beans are dried to reduce moisture content and prevent spoilage.
  • Once dried, the beans are ready to be cracked open to extract the nibs. These nibs are the core of the cacao bean, packed with intense flavor. 
  • Next, grind the nibs into a fine paste. You'll use this paste to prepare your cacao tea.
  • Mix this ground paste with hot water, then strain the mixture to achieve a smooth, rich tea.
  • To elevate your cacao tea, consider adding spices like cinnamon or nutmeg. These spices can enhance the natural flavors of the cacao, giving your tea a more complex and delicious taste.

Roasting the Beans

Roasting cacao beans often greatly enhances their flavor and aroma, making this step essential in the tea-making process. By removing moisture and developing rich aromas, roasting transforms raw cacao beans into a flavorful base for your chocolate tea. The process starts by preheating your oven to 250°F to 350°F, depending on your desired flavor profile.

  • Place the beans in a single layer on a baking sheet and roast them for 15 to 40 minutes. Keep an eye (and ear) on them; properly roasted cacao beans will produce a crackling sound and emit a distinct, enticing aroma when ready. You can experiment with different roasting times and temperatures to create a unique flavored tea that suits your taste.
  • Lighter roasts will retain more of the bean's natural acidity and fruitiness, while darker roasts will develop deeper, more robust flavors, perfect for a rich chocolate tea.
  • Once roasted, let the beans cool completely. They're ready for the next step at this stage, but make sure to savor the aroma of your perfectly roasted cacao beans—they're the heart of your delicious cacao tea.

Grinding the Beans

Grinding the roasted cacao beans finely is essential to revealing their rich flavors for your cacao tea. You'll want to use a coffee grinder or a food processor to achieve a consistency similar to ground coffee. This fine grind guarantees that the beans release their full chocolate essence when mixed with boiling water, enhancing the tea experience.

  • Uniformity is key. Ensure the beans are ground evenly to prevent uneven extraction during brewing. Your tea will have a balanced flavor profile when the grind size is consistent. If you grind the beans just before brewing, you'll notice a marked difference in freshness and aroma, making your cacao tea even more delightful.
  • Feel free to adjust the grind size based on your personal preference. A finer grind will give you a smoother, more delicate tea, while a slightly coarser grind can result in a bolder, richer flavor. Experimenting with different grind sizes can help you find the perfect balance that suits your taste.

Brewing the Tea

Now that your cacao beans are finely ground, it's time to brew a delicious cup of tea. 

  • Start by boiling water, similar to preparing green tea. Add 2 tablespoons of your freshly ground cacao powder per cup. Pour the boiling water over the cacao powder and steep it for about 4-5 minutes. This guarantees a rich, flavorful brew without becoming too strong or astringent.
  • While your tea is steeping, enjoy the enticing chocolatey aroma that fills your kitchen. This delightful scent alone can help curb any chocolate craving you might have.
  • Once the steeping time is up, use a tea strainer or a French press to separate the cacao grounds from the liquid. This step is essential for a smooth, enjoyable drink.
  • Adjust the steeping time based on your personal preference. Let it steep a bit longer if you prefer a more robust taste. Conversely, for a milder flavor, reduce the steeping time slightly.

As you sip your freshly brewed cacao tea, savor the sweet notes of toffee and caramel, which make this drink unique and satisfying. Enjoy!

Flavoring Options

To enhance your cacao tea experience, experiment with various flavoring options, such as mint leaves or different types of milk. Mint leaves can add a revitalizing twist, complementing the natural cacao flavor with a cool, invigorating note.

  • If you want a creamier texture, try adding almond or coconut milk. These alternatives enhance the richness and introduce subtle undertones of delicate toffee and caramel.
  • Sweeteners can also transform your cacao tea. A drizzle of maple syrup can bring a deeper, slightly smoky sweetness that pairs beautifully with the cacao's inherent little chocolate notes. Consider adding a dash of vanilla extract for an extra layer of taste. This addition can enrich the flavor profile, making each sip more indulgent.
  • Pay attention to the power of a simple garnish. A sprinkle of sea salt can elevate your cacao tea by balancing its sweetness and highlighting the complex flavors. Each sip becomes a delightful journey of tastes and textures.
  • If you need more tips or have questions, feel free to reach out via Email Address.

Experimenting with these flavoring options can make your cacao tea experience uniquely yours.

Serving Suggestions

For an inviting presentation, serve your cacao tea in a clear glass mug to showcase its rich, amber hue. This highlights its beautiful color and enhances the overall drinking experience. Whether you prefer it hot or cold, cacao tea is versatile and can be enjoyed any time of the year.

  • If you opt for a cold version, adding a slice of orange or lemon can elevate the flavor, giving it a revitalizing twist. Sweetening your iced cacao tea with honey makes it delicious and naturally sweet without the need for refined sugars. Cacao tea has toffee and caramel undertones, so a little honey goes a long way.
  • For a hot cup, you can customize it by adding a dash of cinnamon or a splash of vanilla extract. These additions complement the naturally sweet flavors and add a layer of warmth and complexity.

Don't worry about saturated fat—cacao tea is free from it, making it a healthier alternative to other rich beverages. Enjoy your cacao tea as a guilt-free, flavorful treat that can be tailored to your taste preferences!


You've now got the basics of making delicious cacao tea! With just a few ingredients and simple steps, you can enjoy a cozy, antioxidant-rich beverage that's perfect for any time of day. Don't be afraid to experiment with different flavorings like mint or vanilla to find your favorite combination. Whether you prefer it hot or cold, cacao tea will become a go-to treat. So, brew a cup and savor the sweet, toffee, and caramel notes today!

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