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Matcha Green Tea and Ginger

7 min read time Jul 01, 2024


When you combine antioxidant-rich matcha green tea with ginger's anti-inflammatory benefits, you get a beverage that not only supports your immune system but also aids digestion and offers a natural energy boost. The earthy richness of matcha blends seamlessly with ginger's warm, spicy notes, creating a balanced, revitalizing, and soothing flavor. Imagine incorporating this dynamic duo into your daily routine as a drink and in various culinary creations. Are you curious how to make the most of this powerful combination?

Health Benefits

Combining matcha green tea and ginger offers numerous health benefits that can enhance your overall well-being.

  • First and foremost, matcha is packed with antioxidants, essential in boosting immunity and neutralizing free radicals in the body. These antioxidants help protect cells from damage, keeping you healthier in the long run.
  • Conversely, ginger is renowned for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming ginger can help reduce inflammation, which is key to promoting overall wellness.
  • Combining matcha and ginger gives you a potent duo that supports your body's natural defenses.
  • Another significant benefit is improved digestion. Both matcha and ginger are known to aid digestion and alleviate issues like bloating and indigestion. This combination can help keep your digestive system running smoothly.
  • Additionally, matcha and ginger are great options if you're looking for a natural energy boost. They enhance focus, concentration, and alertness, making them perfect for starting your day or powering through the afternoon slump.

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Flavor Profile

With its hint of sweetness and slight bitterness, the rich, earthy flavor of matcha green tea is perfectly balanced by ginger's warm, spicy kick. When you take a sip, the grassy notes of matcha green tea are immediately complemented by ginger's zesty and aromatic qualities. This combination creates a unique and revitalizing flavor profile that's refreshing and soothing.

  • Matcha green tea offers a smooth, umami-rich taste that lingers pleasantly on your palate. Adding ginger adds a layer of warmth and spice, elevating the overall experience. The spicy kick of ginger balances the slight bitterness of the matcha and enhances its natural sweetness. This pairing offers a harmonious blend of flavors that's irresistible.
  • Whether you enjoy it hot or cold, the matcha green tea and ginger duo create a delightful contrast that engages your taste buds. The refreshing taste of ginger combined with matcha green tea's calming essence makes for a satisfying, complex, and enjoyable beverage. With each sip, you'll appreciate the careful balance of these two distinct flavors.

Traditional Uses

As you savor the unique blend of matcha green tea and ginger, it's fascinating to explore their traditional uses in various Asian cultures. 

  • Green tea powder, specifically matcha, has been revered in Japanese tea ceremonies for centuries for its calming and health benefits.
  • When combined with ginger, another powerhouse with a long history in traditional medicine, the duo forms a potent elixir. Matcha ginger tea is often consumed in China and Japan to harness its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger, known for its warming and soothing effects, is typically added to matcha green tea, especially during colder months, to provide comfort and warmth.
  • This blend isn't just about flavor; it's about holistic health. The traditional uses of matcha ginger extend beyond mere consumption. They're often used to aid digestion, reduce inflammation, and boost the immune system.

Modern Recipes

Crafting a delicious ginger matcha latte at home is simpler than you might think. It offers a quick and flavorful way to enjoy this modern twist on traditional ingredients. The recipe combines green tea matcha powder, freshly grated ginger, and warm spices to create a comforting beverage in 10 minutes. Homemade nut milk, especially with an almond cow, adds a rich, creamy texture that enhances the overall flavor.

This ginger matcha latte is a powerhouse of benefits. The matcha powder provides a concentrated dose of antioxidants from green tea leaves, while grated ginger adds a zingy, warming effect. Adding collagen peptides can boost your skin, hair, and joint health. Here's a concise breakdown of the ingredients and their benefits:



Preparation Method

Matcha Powder

Antioxidants from green tea leaves

Whisk into hot water

Grated Ginger

Anti-inflammatory properties

Freshly grated

Homemade Nut Milk

Rich, creamy texture

Made with an Almondcow

To make your ginger matcha latte, whisk the matcha powder and grated ginger into hot water, then pour your homemade nut milk. 

Making Matcha Tea

Whisking matcha tea powder with hot water until frothy creates a vibrant, nutrient-packed beverage that's both smooth and creamy. You'll need high-quality matcha green tea powder, a bamboo whisk (called a Chasen), a matcha bowl (chawan), and hot water.

  • Begin by sifting 1-2 teaspoons of matcha powder into your bowl to eliminate clumps. This guarantees a smoother texture. 
  • Next, heat your water to about 175°F (80°C). Don't use boiling water, as it can scorch the delicate tea leaves and taste bitter.
  • Pour a small amount of hot water into the bowl, just enough to cover the powder. Use your chosen to whisk the mixture in a zigzag motion. This technique, rather than a circular motion, helps create the frothy, creamy consistency of well-made matcha tea.
  • Once you achieve a frothy layer on top, add more hot water to reach your desired strength. Whisk again briefly to combine.
  • The result is a bright green tea that's rich in antioxidants and nutrients. Thanks to its unique combination of caffeine and L-theanine, it provides a calm energy boost.

Enjoy your freshly prepared matcha tea!

Ginger Tea Preparation

To prepare a comforting ginger tea, boil water with fresh ginger slices. 

  • Slice a few pieces of fresh ginger root and add them to a pot of boiling water. Let the ginger simmer for about 5 minutes. This helps extract the flavors and health benefits, creating a soothing ginger tea.
  • Once the ginger tea has simmered, you can enhance it by stirring in matcha powder. This combination adds a unique twist and provides additional health benefits. Matcha, a finely ground green tea powder, blends seamlessly with the ginger tea, resulting in a flavorful beverage.
  • Add a teaspoon of the powder to your hot ginger tea to incorporate the matcha. Stir well to make sure the matcha is fully dissolved. Enjoy your ginger matcha tea hot for the best flavor and maximum benefits. This quick and easy recipe offers a delicious and healthful beverage option, perfect for any time of the day.

Whether you're a fan of green tea or ginger tea, combining them with matcha provides a delightful and refreshing drink that's sure to please your taste buds.

Matcha Ginger Latte

  • A matcha ginger latte, rich and aromatic, combines the earthy notes of green tea matcha powder with the warm spice of ginger, creating a comforting and flavorful drink. This combination provides a delightful balance of flavors that invigorates your senses.
  • Using homemade nut milk, especially cashew milk, adds a creamy richness that enhances the latte to a new level. Store-bought nut milks can sometimes be watered down, impacting the overall taste, so making your own at home guarantees a more robust flavor.
  • Creating this latte is straightforward. Start by whisking green tea matcha powder with hot water until smooth. Next, add freshly grated ginger or ginger powder to infuse the drink with that distinctive spiciness. Heat your homemade cashew milk and combine it with the matcha ginger mixture.
  • If you need more time to make your nut milk, store-bought options are also viable, though not as rich.
  • For those looking to simplify the process, Almondcow is a handy device that makes nut milk preparation a breeze. Whether you use homemade or store-bought nut milk, a matcha ginger latte offers a life-changing beverage experience for any time of day.

Culinary Applications

Beyond the delightful matcha ginger latte, UMatcha Ginger opens up a world of possibilities for enhancing your culinary creations. This premium blend of traditional Matcha Green Tea and ground ginger is perfect for sweet and savory dishes. With its fine powder consistency, you can easily incorporate UMatcha Ginger into various recipes, elevating them with its balanced flavors and nutrient-rich composition.

Imagine creating a delicious miso soup or adding a zesty twist to your stir-fry. The sugar-free and gluten-free nature of UMatcha Ginger makes it a healthy option for any diet. Here are some culinary applications you can explore:

  • Baking: Add a teaspoon to your cake or cookie batter for a unique flavor profile.
  • Smoothies: Blend it into your morning smoothie for an energizing start to the day.
  • Salad Dressings: Mix UMatcha Ginger into your favorite vinaigrette for a spicy kick.
  • Desserts: Create a stunning ginger matcha panna cotta or ice cream.
  • Marinades: Use it to season meat or tofu for a flavorful, healthy meal.

Customers have praised UMatcha Ginger's taste and versatility, encouraging you to experiment and enjoy its unique culinary experience.

Storage Tips

Proper storage is crucial to preserving the quality and flavor of matcha green tea and ginger after purchase. To guarantee that your matcha green tea and ginger maintain their freshness, follow these essential storage tips.

  • First, store your matcha green tea in an airtight container. This prevents exposure to air, which can degrade its quality. Place the container in the refrigerator once opened to keep the tea fresh and preserve its nutrients. Keep it away from light, heat, and moisture, as these elements can cause the tea to lose its vibrant color and rich flavor.
  • Ginger should be kept in a cool, dry place such as the refrigerator. A ziplock bag with a paper towel inside will absorb any excess moisture, helping prevent mold growth. If you plan to store ginger longer, consider freezing it.
  • Additionally, matcha green tea and ginger should be kept away from strong odors to avoid absorbing unwanted flavors.

Here are your quick storage tips:

  1. Store matcha in an airtight container.
  2. Refrigerate matcha after opening.
  3. Keep matcha away from light, heat, and moisture.
  4. Store ginger in a ziplock bag with a paper towel.
  5. Keep both items away from strong odors.


By incorporating matcha green tea and ginger into your diet, you're savoring a delightful flavor combination and reaping numerous health benefits. This duo is a powerhouse, from bolstering your immune system to aiding digestion. Whether sipping a matcha ginger latte or experimenting with modern recipes, you will surely enjoy a revitalizing experience. So explore these delicious options and embrace the wellness boost they offer!

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