About Product
Noni fruit is believed to have originated in Southeast Asia and has been used for centuries by the aboriginal people of the region for its nourishing qualities.
The noni fruit contains a quality level of components that support overall wellness. Noni fruit powder has a long and fascinating history.
Native to Polynesia, the indigenous people have used the fruit for centuries as a home remedy for various issues.
The fruit is also known as Indian Mulberry and is thought to have originated in Southeast Asia, eventually spreading to the islands of Polynesia through ancient migrations.
Organic Noni Fruit powder is made from the dried and powdered form of the fruit and is typically used for its quantitative nourishing content.
Some research suggests that Noni may contain the following constituents:
- Minerals: Magnesium, Phosphorus
- Vitamins: Ascorbic acid, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Beta-carotene
- Acids: Acetic, 2-methyl propanoic, Butanoic, 2-methylbutanoic, Hexanoic, 3-methyliopropanoic, Benzoic, Glucuronic, Caproic, Caprylic, Heptanoic, Okadaic, Octanoic, Hexanedioic, Nonanoic, Decanoic, Undecanoic, Lauric, Myristic, Palmitic, Linoleic, Elaidic, Oleic, (Z, Z, Z)-8,11,14-eicosatrienoic
- Alcohols: 1-Butanol, 3-Methyl-3-buten-1-ol, 3-Methyl-2-buten-1-ol, 1-Hexanol, Benzyl alcohol, Eugenol, (Z, Z)-2-5-Undecadien-1-ol
- Esters: Methyl hexanoate, Methyl 3-methylthio-propanoate, Ethyl hexanoate, Methyl octanoate, Ethyl octanoate, Methyl decanoate, Ethyl decanoate, Methyl palmitate, Ethyl palmitate, Methyl elaidate, Methyl oleate
- Ketones: 3-Hydroxy-2-butanone, 2-Heptanone
- Lactones: (E)-6-Dodecano-y – lactone, (Z)-6-Dodeceno-y – lactone
- Miscellaneous compounds: Hexanamide, Proxeronine, Limonene, (Ethylthiomethyl) benzene, Scopoletin, Vomifoliol, Aucubin, Asperuloside
Generations of tradition back the healthful benefits of the Noni fruit, the confirmation of scientific research, and the enthusiastic loyalty of consumers all over the globe. Our whole raw fruit Noni Powder is Certified Organic and GMO-free.
This product is 100% natural and minimally processed. Taste, smell, texture, and color vary from batch to batch.
Suggested Uses: Mix one tablespoon with juice yogurt, or add to your favorite smoothie. Try our Organic Noni Fruit Powder blended with protein, ice, almond milk, and juice for a quick, healthy start to your day.
Mixing Suggestions: To increase flavor and nutritional profile, combine our organic blueberry and strawberry powders in a smoothie.
Certifications: Certified USDA Organic.
Botanical Name: Morinda citrifolia.
Other Names: Indian Mulberry, hog apple, canary wood.
Parts Used: Whole, Noni fruit.
Ingredients: Raw Noni Fruit.
Origin: Grown and dried in India and packaged with care in Florida, USA.
* Product packaging, pictures, and origin may vary.
Sources & References
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