About Product
Pomegranate juice powder has a long and varied history.
It is believed that the ancient Egyptians first used pomegranate juice as a beverage. It was also popular in Greece and Rome for its unique properties. It has been used for centuries as a tonic in the Middle East.
Pomegranate juice powder has also been used in India for thousands of years as a part of Ayurvedic principles.
Ayurveda is believed to help balance the body’s energy.
In recent years, pomegranate juice powder has also become popular in the West. It is also an ingredient in various drinks, smoothies, and foods.
How to Maintain Optimum Freshness
- This product is packaged in airtight stand-up, resealable foil pouches for optimum freshness.
- Once opened, push the air out of the pouch before resealing it to preserve maximum potency.
- Keep your powder in a cool, dark, dry place.
This product is 100% natural and minimally processed:
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Sources & References
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