About Product
Chlorella powder (cracked cell wall) is a green alga used for centuries in various cultures and purposes.
It has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a supplement to treat various ailments. It is also a natural food coloring and dietary supplement for digestion and overall health.
Today, it is available in multiple forms and is a popular supplement among health-conscious individuals.
Some research suggests that Chlorella may contain the following constituents:
- Protein, Essential Fatty Acids, Carbohydrates
- Minerals: Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Iodine
- Vitamins: Vitamin C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B-6, Folate, Biotin, PABA, Choline, Inositol, Beta carotene, Vitamin A (IU), Vitamin E, Lutein, Alpha- Carotene, Tocopherols
- Amino Acids: Isoleucine, Leucine,. Lysine, Methionine, Glycine, Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Arginine, Histidine, Alanine, Aspartic Acid, Glutamic Acid, Proline, Serine, Valine, Threonine, Alanine
- Phytochemicals: Chlorophyll A & B, Chlorella Growth Factor, Sporopollenin, Chlorellin
This product is 100% natural and minimally processed. Taste, smell, texture, and color vary from batch to batch.
Suggested Use: Mix one teaspoon (2.9g) with 4-6 oz of water, juice, yogurt, or your favorite smoothie.
Mixing suggestion: To increase flavor and nutritional profile, combine our organic carrot, beet powders, and a fresh apple in a smoothie.
Botanical Name: Chlorella vulgaris.
Other Names: Algae Verte d’Eau Douce, Bulgarian Chlorella, Bulgarian Green Algae, Chinese Chlorella, Chlorella Algae, Chlorelle, Clorela, Freshwater Green Algae, Freshwater Seaweed, Green Alga, Green Algae, Japanese Chlorella, Seaweed, Yaeyama Chlorella.
Parts Used: Cracked Cell Wall Chlorella.
Ingredients: Cracked Cell Wall Chlorella.
Origin: Grown and dried in China and packaged with care in Florida, USA.
How to Maintain Optimum Freshness
- This product is packaged in airtight stand-up, resealable foil pouches for optimum freshness.
- Once opened, push the air out of the pouch before resealing it to preserve maximum potency.
- Keep your powder in a cool, dark, dry place.
This product is 100% natural and minimally processed:
Taste, smell, texture, and color vary from batch to batch. Go here to learn why our products may naturally vary.
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* Product packaging, pictures, and origin may vary.
Sources & References
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